28 July 2023 Simple Wound Care What is this service: Most cuts and grazes can be treated at home and will start to heal in a few days. But … [continue] Wound care
Month: July 2023
Samaritans – here to listen
Urine samples
From Monday 24th July due to patient safety reasons, we can only accept urine samples that have been specifically requested by a clinician from the surgery. If you have any … [continue] Urine samples
The surgery was sad to see the retirement of our much valued colleague Dr J Ryan at the end of May and wish her well for the future. We will … [continue] Retirement
Childrens COVID vaccination clinics
Children 6 months to 4 years old are eligible for COVID vaccination if they have severe neuro disabilities, poor immune system or with long term serious conditions. Please click on … [continue] Childrens COVID vaccination clinics