The easiest way to order your repeat prescription is via the NHS app or patient access
For routine repeat prescriptions please request via the NHS app where possible.
You can also order via patient access or your online pharmacy provider.
Repeat prescriptions can also be ordered by your nominated pharmacist.
If you are unable to order via this methods you can do a written request and either leaving in the box outside the surgery or sending it to us by post.
Your prescription will be ready for collection 3 working days later from your nominated pharmacy. If you prefer, we can post it back to you (you will need to provide a stamped, addressed envelope).
Please do not contact the surgery to see if your prescription is ready, you can check the NHS app/ patient access or with your pharmacy.
Repeat prescriptions – housebound & elderly patients
An exception is made for our housebound patients, who may telephone their requests in to the surgery.
Amounts of medication
It is the policy of the local CCG not to prescribe more than two months supply of medication at one time. The exception to this being contraceptive pills, where either a three, or occasionally a six month supply may be given. We are unable to give a prescription for periods of extended travel beyond 3 months.
Medication reviews
Should a Doctor require a medication review, a note will be attached to the prescription, requesting that a routine appointment be made. This provides an opportunity to discuss any side effects or problems that the patient may experience with their drugs. Additionally, monitoring blood tests can be organised and tests such as blood pressure readings can be performed. Medication reviews may be undertaken by our clinical pharmacist attached to the surgery.
Reviews should take place every six to twelve months. The aim is to ensure patient safety and to provide high quality care. Consequently, if requests are ignored, smaller amounts of medication may be issued until a review has taken place.
NHS prescription charges and exemptions
Go to the NHS website for the latest prescription charges and exemption criteria